Mercader Integral S.L is a family business that operates in the field of Industrial Installation and Maintenance.

The main objective that is intended to be achieved with the implementation of the Integrated Quality Management and Environmental Management System is to satisfy the needs and expectations of customers, avoiding significant environmental impacts as far as possible and improving these aspects in a manner continued.

We achieve this by complying with the applicable regulatory and legal requirements, as well as those established by the UNE-EN-ISO 9001 and UNE-EN-ISO 14001 standards.

It is therefore necessary that Quality and Environmental Management be understood, applied and updated at all levels of the Company.

Each employee or collaborator is responsible for the Quality of their own work as well as for the correct Environmental Management of those aspects that concern their work.

It is an established policy at Mercader Integral S.L to work in accordance with the established Quality and Environmental Management System. This is documented and regularly verified for suitability and effectiveness.

The final result is to guarantee the achievement of the following objectives:

    • Ensuring customer satisfaction through the achievement of Quality and Environmental Management objectives and through strict compliance with current regulations.
    • Ensuring the achievement of the objectives detailed in the different established programs.
    • Adopting and implementing Environmental Management techniques in a systematic manner appropriate to our activity through the establishment of Environmental objectives and goals.
    • Supporting environmental protection and the prevention of < pollution in balance with the socioeconomic needs of the Company.

Management establishes the necessary measures to ensure that its Quality and Environmental Management System:

  • It is disseminated to all areas of the Company.
  • It is understood, applied, reviewed and updated and is available to the public.

Management acquires the commitment to continuously improve the Quality and Environmental Management System, providing all the material and human means necessary to comply with this policy.

Likewise, it has the power to interrupt any process that violates the requirements of the Quality and Environmental Management System.

Management declares compliance with the requirements contained in the documentation that constitutes the Quality and Environmental Management System.

In Santa Oliva, on May 16, 2024

Salvador J. Mercader Güell

Annex 1 MC and GA
Review 03